August was full of workshops and trainings, nearly all of which focused on sketching in professional settings such as conferences, classrooms, and meetings.
So August’s newsletter shares that theme.
Click here to subscribe – future editions full of ideas, inspiration, and references will come straight to your inbox.
This Month’s Table of Contents:
Sketching tip: 6 tips for sketching notes
Artful Science: Sketching at a conference
Artful Classrooms: Sketching for STEM teachers
Sketchbook Snapshot: Baltimore, Maryland
News & Events: Greeting cards, grad school announcement & personal subscriptions to my “Drawn to the West” column
Bonus: Conference/networking hack..have spectacular business cards plus 10% discount for your own mini business cards!
NOTE: The CommNatural newsletter is distinct from my blog. The newsletter focuses on drawing in SciArt, while the blog deals with a range of SciComm topics. So click here to view the newsletter archive and click here to subscribe. Curious what’s the difference? Here’s a straight forward breakdown.