I spent the past few weeks in Montana and Alberta, where the skies are vast and full of clouds.
I was there to teach a few classes, so July’s newsletter shares some of the material I was teaching.
Click here to subscribe – future editions full of ideas, inspiration, and references will come straight to your inbox.
This Month’s Table of Contents:
Sketching tip: Drawing clouds
Artful Science: Scientists on professional benefits of drawing skills
Artful Classrooms: Visual note-taking
Sketchbook Snapshot: Montana & Alberta road trips
News & Events: Subscriptions now available for Drawn to the West!
NOTE: The CommNatural newsletter is distinct from my blog. The newsletter focuses on drawing in SciArt, while the blog deals with a range of SciComm topics. So click here to view the newsletter archive and click here to subscribe. Curious what’s the difference? Here’s a straight forward breakdown.