Screenshot of the bibliography linked to at the bottom of this post.
If you’re looking for a starting point for understanding evidence-based, inclusive science communication, the literature about science communication can be overwhelming. This body of literature, sometimes known as the science of science communication, is actually a collection of disciplines that ranges from behavioral psychology to economics, and from writing studies to data visualization, and more.
The course bibliography I distribute in my undergraduate and graduate courses on science communication can be a helpful orientation to these bodies of literature and how you can apply them to a range of concepts and challenges inherent in science communication.
The course bibliography is organized by topic area, following the three major modules in my course on Applied Principles of Science Communication:
Foundations of Science Communication
Science of SciComm 101
Connecting Science & Society
Understanding Interest Groups, Influencers, and Impacted Groups
Goals & Planning
Politicization of Science & Misinformation
Proposals & Annotated Bibliographies
Tools for Science Communication
Plain Language
Graphic Design Essentials
Social Media for SciComm
Fine-Tuning SciComm Messaging
One-Pagers, Issue Briefs & Policy Briefs
SciComm Blogs
The Practice of Science Communication
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Now, if we asked another 10 people what their bibliography for teaching (or getting started in the literature on) scicomm would be, we'd likely get ten very distinct reading lists. That's great! This is not the entirety of what we could/should all be reading to inform our teaching, research, and work in scicomm. It's just the literature that underpins my course, and it's a wide-ranging starting point you can jump from.
I'd love to hear what you'd add to this list!